Orthodontist, Dentist, Oral Surgeon, Pediatric Dentist…they’re all the same, right? Wrong! Our patients have asked this question many times. It can be quite confusing, because unless you are familiar with Dentistry and all the different professions involved, it would be easy to think that one Tooth Doctor can do another Tooth Doctor’s job. This isn’t the case at all. There are nine specialties in Dentistry, and Orthodontics is just one of them.
So what is an Orthodontist? Basically, I earned my DDS (dental degree), just like your dentist did. After dental school, however, I found my love for orthodontics and decided to stay in school for a few more years and became a specialist.
And special it is! I really had no idea how much I would love doing what I do – but I truly can’t imagine doing anything I love more. Just the other day, I received one of the nicest letters I ever have from one of my patients. She told me how much having braces has changed her life. She was teased and bullied at school before because of the appearance of her teeth, and now claims how much self confidence she has gained. She also claims that she gained so much more than a beautiful smile, but she also gained a beautiful heart – for she now has a sensitivity and empathy for others that she didn’t before. What a great story, eh? When I was in Orthodontic school, I really never knew how many lives I would be changing and how many people I would be able to help.
So in closing for my very first Blog entry – I want to simply say Thank You! Thank you to all my wonderful patients for giving me the opportunity to help you. And Thank you to all of the dedicated and caring parents that I have in the office – who see to it that their children’s futures have endless possibilities - and for placing your trust in me to help with this process.